Steal my tried-and-true content creation process, which is all about batchworking and efficiency.

  1. Block time in your calendar.

    I like to have at least a half day dedicated to content creation. When it comes to writing, it can take some time to get into the flow. Instead of trying to formulate the perfect caption between answering emails and hopping on client calls, block off a dedicated chunk of time to brainstorming, writing, and designing.
  1. Set the scene.

    It sounds cheesy but do not skip this step! Create the atmosphere that will allow you to best focus. Put your phone on do not disturb. Close your inbox tab. Light your favourite candle. Diffuse those citrus essential oils. Make yourself a coffee. You get the idea…
  1. Brain dump.

    Start making a list of different ideas for carousel posts, reels, and captions. Ask yourself “what does my audience need to hear?”

    If you use content pillars or you have a content strategy in place, refer to it first. No wrong answers! I like to do this step on Monday morning, before I reinstall the IG app (I delete it most weekends) so I’m not influenced by what others are posting.

    I also keep a running list of content ideas in my Notes app (because sometimes inspiration strikes when I’m on a run or in the shower).
  1. Write, write, write.

    Look through your list of ideas. Pick your favourites and turn the prompts into captions, carousel posts, and reels. Write without stopping or judgement. Get words into a Google Doc. THEN, go back and refine.
  1. Gather inspiration.

    AFTER brainstorming and writing first drafts of captions, I like to head to the Instagram Explore page to gather more ideas. Start watching reels. Look for trending audios or fun videos that you can use and recreate with your brainstormed topics or already-written captions.
  1. Design time.

    Pop into Adobe Illustrator or Canva and design your heart out. Create reel covers and carousel posts. Refer to your brand guidelines to make sure your feed looks cohesive and aligned with your brand’s visual identity.

    Pssst. Need help creating a visual identity? Explore my design services for creatives!
  1. Film video content.

    If you have reels to record, pull out your ring light, pop on some lip gloss and start filming! I approach filmed content with the attitude of ‘done is better than perfect.’ Another tip: if you’re not in the mood for face-to-cam videos, head to my favourite stock photo and video resources like Death To The Stock and Pexels and grab one of their professionally filmed videos!
  1. Schedule your posts.

    Pop your fresh content into a calendar so it’s scheduled and ready to roll. I currently use AirTable so my VA and I can easily communicate about content, but also really like social media scheduling platforms like Planoly and Later.

Need help figuring out what the heck you should be writing or posting about to get your audience’s attention? This is EXACTLY what I do with my 1:1 mentorship clients. Inquire about my next available spot!

How To Create One Month Of Instagram Content In Just A Few Hours

March 16, 2023