Are you a holistic health practitioner who wants to connect with more clients and have a thriving practice? I’ve got you covered! Here are my top 7 marketing tips that will help you build a successful holistic health marketing strategy and have your schedule fully booked.

7 Marketing Tips For Holistic Practitioners

Just as your clients need a holistic approach to health, you need a holistic approach to marketing. Building a strategy that incorporates different types of marketing into one easy-to-implement plan means no longer feeling overwhelmed, and less stressed about the quality or quantity of your content. 

So, let’s get started!

  1. Have a Brand That Speaks to Your Soulmate Clients

First things first, you need to create a brand that speaks to your ideal clients. Understand who they are, what they like, and what they’re looking for. By aligning your brand with their values and desires, you’ll create an online space that immediately resonates with them.

  1. Ensure You Have an (On-Brand) Website

Next, make sure you have an on-brand website that showcases how your business supports your clients’ health journey. Think about what information your clients need and make sure it’s easy to find on your website. Remember, your website should give them a great first impression and make them feel welcome.

  1. Identify What You Want Your Marketing to Achieve

Now, let’s identify what you want your marketing to achieve. Instead of just talking about your services on repeat, dig deeper and find out who your clients are and the deeper transformation that your holistic health offerings provide them with. Focus your marketing efforts on communicating your unique value and magic.

  1. Get Comfortable On Social & Batch Create Content

Posting on social media can be time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. I recommend batch-creating content and scheduling it in advance. This way, you save time and always have something to share with your audience.

I have a whole blog post on how to successfully batch-create Instagram content. It walks you through the whole process so you can take back your time and build a content creation plan that works for you. 

  1. Set Up Your Google Business Profile

This is so important! If you want to be found on Google and have clients see your hours, your location on Google Maps, and your Google reviews, your Google Business Profile is essential to your marketing strategy. 

Some of the most important features of a Google Business Profile are accurate contact information, business hours, customer reviews, photos, and a detailed description of your services. For more information on this, check out this support article right from Google themselves.

  1. Take Advantage Of Email Marketing

Email marketing is so often underused by service providers. For some reason, we seem to think that it’s reserved for e-commerce or retail businesses, but email is one of the best-performing marketing tools out there for service providers. 

Email marketing sends reminders of your services to your warmest audience and keeps current customers in the loop about new offerings or promotions. It’s a great way to share value with your subscribers and give them more details about the benefits of the services you offer. 

If you’re looking for more support in building an email marketing campaign into your overall marketing strategy, I have a course available that will walk you through every step of the process. You can learn more about my Flow into Flodesk course now! 

  1. Build Your Network (On & Offline)

Now that you have a marketing strategy for your holistic practice, it’s important to remember that the point of it all is to connect with the humans behind the profiles! When people comment on your content, be sure to engage with them, answer their questions, and thank them for their support. You want to have a network of real people who love your business enough to tag their friends and share your content, so focus on the people, not the platforms. 

Getting involved in your community is another great way to build brand awareness and develop relationships with future clients, especially if the work you do is in-person. Partner with other local small businesses that share your clientele or join local small business groups and holistic meetup groups. Relationships are key to holistic health marketing, so get out there and spend time with your soulmate clients!

Looking For Support? Let’s Chat

Hooray! You made it through all 7 tips for marketing your holistic practice! Hopefully, you’re inspired to get started building a brand and strategy that both you and your clients will love.

But if you think you could use a little more help attracting those fit-like-a-glove clients to your practice, I’m here to help with business coaching or brand and website design to get your business booming.

Holistic Health Marketing: 7 Tips For Holistic Practitioners

June 3, 2023