In the first 6 weeks of 2023, my design & coaching business brought in over $25,000 in revenue.

This is more than it made in the first half of 2021. This post will deep dive into all of the things I’m doing differently.

First, an important disclaimer: sharing business revenue is a personal choice. Here’s why I’m for it (and a few important caveats).

  • Transparency. This is revenue and doesn’t account for expenses and all of the ways I’ve invested in expanding my business.
  • Seeing other creative solopreneurs share numbers inspires me to dream bigger and expand my notion of what’s possible for my business.
  • I believe that talking about money helps to break down the taboo, tacky, or scarcity mindset blocks that we subconsciously (or consciously) attach to it.
  • Money is not the end-all be-all. What’s MUCH more important are the relationships, community, and transformations that my clients and audience experience.
white flowers in black ceramic vase on brown wooden table

I stopped trying to market across all different platforms.

When I first started my business, I ran myself into the ground trying to post on Instagram, engage in FB groups, optimize my LinkedIn, write weekly blogs, launch new freebies, and pin on Pinterest…

Now, I focus the bulk of my energy only on the marketing platform that bring me the most return: Instagram and Email.

I learned how to create effective content

When I posed whatever the heck I felt like each day, I got inconsistent inquiries from clients who weren’t really a match for my services. 

When I started implementing a content strategy with goals for audience growth, offer awareness, and sparking actual sales, I started seeing results.

If you’re looking for a solid guide post for how to create magnetic messaging, start with my free marketing guidebook!

 I started selling consistently

I stopped silently praying that clients would come my way… and started inviting them into my world and containers. Consistently. Daily. Multiple times a day. 

It’s a daily goal of mine to show up on Instagram stories and sell. This rarely looks like recording face-to-cam videos, by the way! If you want to chat about strategies for Instagram story sales, reach out about a 1:1 mentorship container or book a coaching intensive!

I also stopped looking at sales as uncomfortable and sleazy and started to build a selling culture and process that’s rooted in service, love, consent, and FUN.

I prioritized outsourcing and reinvested in my business

I looked at my own gaps in knowledge, expertise, and skill and started investing in support: mentorship, masterminds, systems setup, accounting, copywriting, and content creation. 

Figuring all of this out on my own would have taken waaaaay too long and kept me stuck at lower income months for a whole lot longer.

woman in white and blue stripe skirt and brown sun hat standing on water

I started creating and selling offers that are different

When I offered the same two-week website process as SO many other designers – I struggled to stand out from the crowd (and was constantly on a hamster-wheel of needing to book a new project). 

When I worked with a coach to craft a signature design service that’s rooted in my strengths AND the support my ideal clients are craving, the bookings started flying in with more ease (and more profits!).

I started pricing strategically

The biggest shift in hitting consistent five-figure-plus months happened whenI started focusing on creating stacking recurring monthly revenue by offering payment plans for higher-ticket, longer-term design packages and mentorship containers.

I also raised my prices to reflect new skillsets, increased deliverables, and higher-touch proximity. Is it time for you to raise your prices, too?

I started prioritizing client experience

Above all, I focus on providing the best possible experience and support for my clients – above and beyond the deliverables. This has contributed to a very high resign and return rate for private coaching and design clients.

Are you currently working on scaling your business to six figures and beyond? Bookmark this post And reach out if you’re ready for the 1:1 support to get there faster.

How To Hit Multi-Five Figure Months In Your Creative Business

March 30, 2023