Shae Savage

Based in Squamish, BC

strategic brand makeover

Brand Strategy
Visual Identity
Custom Showit Website

Ready to feel confident & aligned in your creative business?

How Shae Savage clarified her brand message, co-created a visual brand she loves, and pivoted in a strategic new direction

client stories

“She birthed this beautiful piece of art for me and came up with something that I would not have been able to fathom on my own.”

– Shae Savage, womb priestess, ceremonialist & Kundalini yoga teacher

After a decade in business, Shae Savage was pivoting in an exciting new direction when she hired Samara Bortz for a Strategic Brand Makeover.

A well-known Kundalini yoga teacher in Squamish, BC, Shae dreamed of impacting even more people through online courses and programs. Her new niche is rooted in feminine embodiment studies, and she helps her clients rewire their limiting beliefs, connect to their feminine space, heal from trauma, love themselves more wholly, and ultimately, gain tools for more effective self-healing.

As her business model evolved, Shae recognized that her current brand and website were holding her back from reaching her business goals. 

She needed a beautiful, strategic website that felt like her, with consistent branding and a clear message that resonates with her dream clients.

“I really liked my old website. I had created it and was really attached to it in some ways… AND I knew it could be better.”

Although she’s usually a fan of outsourcing things, Shae said that it was nerve-wracking to entrust her brand and website to someone else—like handing over her first-born baby! So she reached out to a designer she’s known for years. 

“It takes a lot of trust to give that into someone else’s hands and see what they do with the content and the visuals and how they piece it all together. I already had a connection with Samara because she had trusted in me and hired me several years in a row to teach yoga to her choir group. And I just knew it in my womb—a felt sense that there’s no one else I would want to trust with my business.” 

Shae’s work is spiritually intuitive, and some concepts—like womb healing, ceremony, and mother wounds—can be a little confusing for someone who is encountering them for the first time.

That’s why she found the strategy portion of Samara’s design process so valuable. Not only did it set the tone for the images and logos, it also helped her clarify who her ideal clients are and what types of messages would resonate with them. 

Co-creating an authentic, elevated brand

Next, Shae and Samara turned their attention to the visuals and how people feel when encountering her brand. Samara chose a warm, earthy colour palette that balances light and dark to reflect how Shae’s work is rooted in healing, mysticism, and ancestral traditions. She also developed several logo options with flowing, feminine scripts—just like Shae’s brand ethos.

This intuitive, co-creative design process helped bridge the gap between Shae’s old brand identity and her new business direction.

Copy support – an added bonus

Shae said that she really appreciated having Samara’s support with the website copy—something few designers offer. She knew exactly what to include in each section of every page, based on the copy framework. Plus, she could run questions by Samara on Voxer when she felt stuck.

Intentionally designed for future growth

Shae is a savvy, experienced business owner. Could she have refreshed her messaging, brand, and website on her own?

Sure… but being the smart CEO, she understood that time is a limited resource. Not only that, she knew she was too close to her business to see it objectively. Samara acted as an interpreter and guide, making sense of her new direction while building upon the foundation of where she’s been. 

As a result, Shae has successfully pivoted her holistic brand with clarity, speed, and strategic direction.

Crafting a clear, strategic message that resonates with dream clients

“As I was trying to describe my vision to the best of my abilities, Samara was able to interpret that for the public, into language that made sense for my students and my dream clients. It felt really good to be seen and heard and understood in that way.”

“She birthed this beautiful piece of art for me and came up with something that I would not have been able to fathom on my own. It brings in the messaging from my old website and uses some of the photos that I'm familiar with, and then brings in the new messaging, too. She just tied it together so beautifully.”

“I really enjoyed Samara’s copy framework because I was able to continue refining my message, which is always an evolutionary process. Once I submitted all my content, she edited it and said, ‘Let me know what you think of my edits. Is this your voice? Is this your messaging?’ And she nailed it!”

In the past, Shae had struggled with her About page because she felt like she could write a friggin novel. Samara helped distil her story down to the most important details. Then, she laid it out like a chapter book that flips from one page to the next—succinct and visually stunning.

“I’ve never seen anyone tell a personal background story the way she did. I really loved that visual representation.”

“Her structure, her communication, her product—all of it is absolutely invaluable. It’s pristine from beginning to end. And if you’re like, ‘Wow, Samara creates such beautiful things’ and you want that beautiful thing, then invest in it. I think it’s the best thing you could do for your business.”