Beard & Bardot Hair Co.

Based in Abbotsford, BC, Canada

strategic brand makeover

Mini Brand
Custom Showit Website
Shopify Integration

Ready to transform your creative business with strategy & design?

meet the brand

Beard & Bardot Hair Co. is an inclusive hair salon based in Abbotsford, BC – specializing in creative looks and lasting client relationships.

why invest in design?

Jordana Patterson, the founder of Beard and Bardot reached out because her business had outgrown the DIY website she'd made. She was ready to have a professionally-designed online space that allowed her to showcase the quality of service Beard & Bardot offers, as well as sell products through an e-commerce shop.

SINCE launching...

  • Beard and Bardot immediately started seeing an increase in inquiries from new clients through their website / Google search.

  • Jordana is able to sell Kevin Murphy products not only in-person to clients at appointments, but also to an expanded online clientele.

  • Beard and Bardot has expanded by bringing in new stylists and even a new barber service!

what she has to say:

"Before hiring Samara, I felt like our website was mediocre at best. Definitely a DIY project. Since launching, we've already seen an increase in our client emails! I appreciate how helpful and resourceful Samara is. From someone like my self who knows little to nothing about the tech and web world, she knew how to troubleshoot, find the answers and problem solve so that I didn't have to. She took a-lot of time with me on the creative process of designing the look and feel so I felt heard and understood with the vision i was trying to create.

– Jordana Patterson, Beard & Bardot